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Сообщения за октябрь, 2019

Room 101

It comes from nowhere and you can't stop it. Your body starts shaking and sweating.  The first thing to be mentioned is disgusting crawling insects and larvae. Just imagine that these creatures suddenly appear everywhere: falling on your head, making holes in the skin and laying larvae. They leave prints of mucus on your body. When one of the creatures penetrates inside, it starts sucking the organs. Then it eats out  paths through the organism making you suffer from agony till the painful death. You lose your life, and your body is in the hands of this monster. What could be worse???????!!!!!!!1 Secondly, there's a sound which leds to the overwrought angst. We think everybody hate really strong noise.  Certainly, after spending few minutes in a such room you would want to get out of there! This noise can effect not on us mentally but physically as well, for instance our pulse or inner pressure may raise or even worse our ears may start bleeding. We...

Task 3

 a) I have chosen this photo because of the autumn that has just started. It really expresses the coziness of this time of the year. You know,  when you come home (or dormitory) from the uni, and you had a really tough day with a lot of lessons. You sit down on your bed, get a big cup of cacao with marshmallow, cover yourself with the warm blanket and just have a rest, watching movies or youtube. Do you know this vibe?  I certainly do. b) The first video that comes to my mind is   2 Interpreters Test Their Interpreting Skills (Speed Challenge)  by WIRED. It shows the beauty and backstage work of the interpreting. Funny fact, that most of the time interpreters don't know what they are talking about during the interpreting. It makes me surprised how powerful can our brain be- one person listen to the speech from one language and immediately interpreters to another.  Interpreting is a really hard work to do, it requires not only the p...


This is where your work will appear. You need to rememeber some rules: 1. Give your work a name like this: Essay-1_My-approaches to learning new vocabulary. In the electronic environment you need to remember to add link to your publications so that everybody could acsess this material if necessary. I'd like to share with all of you Sergey's post. Here is a link to it:  https://silkov18825.blogspot.com/