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It's time to take actions

Картинки по запросу ecoactivist     The climate change is one of the hottest issue nowadays. The renowned ecoactivist Greta Thunberg, the youngest ever recipient of the magazine "Time" person of the year, once said "I want you to act as if the house is on fire, because it is". Everyday millions of factories produce tons of CO2 emissions. Streets are filled with vehicles, that our traffic system can't deal with. Plastic-made things in the ocean, forest and microplastic (output of plastic) is even in our bodies. It can't but concern people over the world, thus, all things considered, there are ways that we can personally follow to improve the global situation
          First thing to make our future brighter is to stop using plastic bags. Today supermarkets are giving away bags for free and it is not right, since they cost no money you are more likely to get bunch of them. You can easily supersede them with cotton ones which can be carried in your backpack. They are more environmental friendly as they decompose faster and they don't pollute the environment with noxious gas.
          Second is to stop using electricity and water when it isn't necessary to do. Some people brush their teeth with water running all over time. Some don't turn off the light while they sleep. The thing is that you are not only getting rid of the water to no purpose but you also are consuming the energy that was spent to produce this very water and electricity.
         Third, modern shops are trying to sell more and more clothes every season. Moreover, it is low quality. So, instead of buying a heap of clothes, try to find a high-quality garment, may be it won't that cheap but it definitely will last long. Buying less clothes will reduce the garbage impact on the planet.
        I think we shouldn't wait our government to pass new environmental laws, we can take actions right now, right in our place of living. In order to save the Earth for further generations and to provide a better living for us too.

The inspiring article-  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/27/how-to-shrink-plastic-footprint-recycling


  1. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  2. Content: 4.5
    Organisation: 4.5 Thesis statement: too general; Conclusion: some closing technque to make it more memorable?
    References: 4.5 incomplete information about the article in the Time magazine from which you have quoted Tunberg
    Mechanics: 5
    we shouldn't wait PREP our government to pass new environmental laws


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